woman taking her temperature
woman taking her temperature
woman taking her temperature

Coronavirus Diagnosis: What Should I Expect?

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Updated on January 24, 2022

Having COVID-19 varies greatly from one person to another. What happens if you are diagnosed with COVID-19? Lisa Maragakis, M.D., M.P.H.感染预防高级主任解释了会发生什么.

What are the stages of coronavirus infection?


Incubation period. 这段时间是从感染到出现症状之间的时间. 一般来说,你可能会在感染后2到14天出现症状. 潜伏期因个体而异,且取决于不同的变种. 即使你在潜伏期没有症状, 在这个阶段,你可以将冠状病毒传播给另一个人.

This is why, if you suspect you were exposed to someone with COVID-19, you should self-quarantine, 注意症状,并考虑在接触后四五天进行检测. This way, you can help prevent the spread of COVID-19. 请查看疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)的指南 isolation and quarantine.

Acute COVID-19. Once symptoms appear, you have entered the acute stage. You may have fever, cough and other COVID-19 symptoms. 如果你患有轻度或中度冠状病毒疾病,活动性疾病可能持续一到两周, but severe cases can last months. 有些人是无症状的,这意味着他们从来没有症状,但确实患有COVID-19.

如果你出现症状或怀疑你是无症状感染, call your health care provider, follow testing guidelines, and follow all isolation and safety guidelines.

COVID-19 recovery. Post-COVID-19 symptoms, such as lingering cough, on and off fever, weakness, and changes to your senses of smell or taste, 在你从急性病中恢复后,能否持续数周甚至数月. Persistent symptoms are sometimes known as long COVID-19.

感染后数周至数月,检测结果仍可能呈阳性, but this does not necessarily mean you are still infectious. 大多数人在建议的隔离预防期后不再具有传染性. If you have conditions that cause severe immunosuppression, 与您的医疗保健提供者联系,以确定您应该隔离多长时间,以及如何确定何时您不再具有潜在的传染性.

What are COVID-19 symptoms?

Symptoms can be severe, mild or absent altogether. 有些人从COVID-19中康复后没有任何问题,而另一些人则留下了问题 lingering effects还有一些人需要住院治疗或死于COVID-19引起的并发症.

If you have any of the following symptoms, call your doctor. 他或她会告诉你是否需要检查,并建议你应该做什么.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Severe COVID-19 When to Call 911


  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion
  • Inability to wake up or stay awake
  • Bluish lips or face


How long do COVID symptoms last?

那些患有COVID-19轻度病例的人通常会在一到两周内康复. For severe cases, recovery can take six weeks or more, and for some, there may be lasting symptoms with or without damage to the heartkidneyslungs and brain.

Can I get COVID-19 more than once?

Yes. 再次感染冠状病毒,尤其是其中一个 coronavirus variants, is possible if you previously had COVID-19.

最好的保护措施是全面接种疫苗,并在符合条件时接种加强疫苗, wear a face mask in public, practice physical distancing and wash your hands frequently.

Will I get COVID-19 pneumonia?

Some patients with COVID-19 develop pneumonia. 病毒性肺炎,包括由COVID-19引起的肺炎,不能用抗生素治疗. 一些严重的COVID-19病例可能需要呼吸机支持,以确保身体获得足够的氧气. 其他药物,包括抗病毒药物,也可以使用.

65岁以上的人和有某些健康状况的人患肺炎的风险更高,可能会出现更严重的COVID-19病例. Studies show that in patients with COVID-19, 肺炎可发展为急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)。, which can be fatal in some patients.

What is the treatment for COVID-19?

Treatment of COVID-19 involves addressing symptoms. 如果你有感染严重冠状病毒的风险,你的医生可能会推荐一种或多种 COVID-19 treatments但对于大多数患有轻度COVID-19的人来说,休息和多喝水是最好的方法. 你的医生也可能建议你服用非处方的退烧药.

More severe cases require hospital care, including breathing support, mechanical ventilation, or other medical treatments.


如果您感染了COVID-19或与感染者接触过, 将自己与他人分开非常重要,这样你就不会进一步传播COVID-19. The CDC provides recommendations on isolation and quarantine.

If I have COVID-19, how can I keep my family safer?

There are several ways to help protect your family:

  • 确保你家里的每个人都接种了全面疫苗,并在符合条件的情况下接种了加强疫苗.
  • 任何冠状病毒检测呈阳性的人都应该尽可能地远离家中的其他人. Use a separate bathroom if one is available.
  • 如果你必须和其他人在一个房间里,你和他们应该穿 face masks. If you cannot wear a face mask (for some, face masks may cause trouble breathing), 和你住在一起的人不应该和你在一个房间里. If they do enter your room, they should wear a face mask.
  • Everyone should practice good hygiene, 包括经常洗手至少20秒,咳嗽或打喷嚏时对着手肘或纸巾(然后把纸巾扔掉).

Here are additional precautions:

  • Do not share personal household items such as dishes, drinking glasses, cups, utensils, towels or bedding with other people, or with pets. After using these items, wash them thoroughly.
  • 所有“高接触”的表面都应该每天清洁和消毒, such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and bedside tables.
  • 任何可能沾有血液、粪便或其他体液的表面都应立即清洁.
  • 家庭清洁和消毒喷雾或湿巾是有效的:你不需要特殊的产品. 确保按照清洁产品上的标签说明安全有效地使用.

How can I care for my pets if I have COVID-19?

According to the CDC, the virus may spread from people to animals during close contact, 所以你最好对你的宠物采取和对人一样的安全措施.

  • 避免与宠物接触,包括抚摸、依偎、亲吻或舔舐,以及分享食物.
  • 在可能的情况下,在你生病时,请另一位家庭成员照顾你的动物.
  • 如果你必须照顾它们,戴上口罩,并在前后洗手.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Scientist carefully insets a pipette into a test tube.

What you need to know from Johns Hopkins Medicine.